How to Raise Miss (or Mr.) Curiosity
If anyone knows Michael, I’m sure you can only imagine the curiosity with which he lived life as a child. It seems that our oldest has inherited his questioning ability, as well as his ability to remember. I wanted to make sure early on that we did our best to foster this passion for learning…
Expanding Hearts and the Pictures Everyone Wants to See
It’s true that your heart expands when you have children. I’ve only done it twice- but it happened each time. They are two totally different people. I love them each as deeply as the other, but my relationship with each is and will be different both now and in the years to come. They will…
Grumpy People (Me)
Yesterday, I made a “ninja move” as described by one of my friends: I went to another part of town completely and totally alone. (I attribute this ninja skill to our recent viewings of Kung Fu Panda, but moving on…) I made a pit stop to indulge in a little coffee delight at one of…
The Issue of Age in Modern Worship | Adventures in Faith & Art
I am working on writing a worship philosophy series called “The Performance-Minded Worshiper” later this month and into next month. But I stumbled upon this article, and it is a perfect prelude to a broad, yet deep look into something that has been quietly sneaking into our Western Church ecclesiology for years: The Performance mentality.…
The Advent Collection 2013
Well now that the festivities are winding down for the Christmas season this year,I thought I would post a quick link to all the music and thoughts I’ve shared with you all over the last month. Week 1. The Tenses of Waiting. “He has come, He is here, He is coming again soon.” — Week…
Break out the Shop Vac. Advent Week 3
I hope you’ve been enjoying these entries on Advent. We’re almost half way through the Advent season. As Christmas approaches, I really hope that your mind and heart are focused on preparation. Preparing your home for food, family, and fun; but more importantly, preparing your heart. I’ve been reading this blog on Advent called “The…
Because The Book Said So
We started a tradition last year that we think will become a part of our yearly family Christmastime. The night we are going to decorate the tree, we all get to open a present with our new Christmas pajamas. We start a fire in the fireplace, blast the carols, and sip hot chocolate a little…
The Tenses of Waiting. Advent Week 1
Well, Thanksgiving is behind us. Welcome to December. Cue the Christmas music(finally), decorating, shopping, family gathering planning, and other festivities. Ho Ho Ho! Did you remember to buy firewood and Hot Cocoa mix? In my last entry, I spoke of a new season I’m entering into. Part of what’s been happening is I have been…
The Merger
Well this post is going to be short and sweet. We are very excited to continue our blogging journeys—together!!! Welcome to! Your “subscription” has automatically been moved over so now, you will receive updates for instead of either Michael Letney Music or Cake for Your Thoughts.If you have already been an e-mail follower…
10 Signs You’ve Been Studying Too Much
Taken from my most recent experience of studying for my first medical licensing exam, these things may indicate that you have been studying WAY TOO MUCH…and not enough all at the same time. 1. In a normal home, the parents say things like “Have fun at school!” and “I need to study.” Not in your house.…