Hiding the Word in Little Hearts – St. Patrick’s Day BONUS
Every once and a while, Michael and I re-evaluate things that we feel that we could do better. Pretty basic, right? Budgeting, time management, marriage…But sometimes, we look at how we are doing with teaching the girls about our faith…which is a pretty big deal when you think about it. We have been given clean,…
The Psychiatric Implications of Online Church
The Rules: I have written rules for a post once before. It’s the one’s that make me nervous to post. But, here it goes. This is long. If you’re going to read it, take the time to read it. I won’t be offended if you don’t. I won’t even know if you don’t. Do not…
The Big Day is Here
Well, here we are. Five months after the initial promise of an album here, we have arrived at that day! Today is the release day for my first album, Here With You!! You can purchase it here at theletneys.com/shop, or go get it from iTunes! I will be sharing videos with you today, pictures of…
Break out the Shop Vac. Advent Week 3
I hope you’ve been enjoying these entries on Advent. We’re almost half way through the Advent season. As Christmas approaches, I really hope that your mind and heart are focused on preparation. Preparing your home for food, family, and fun; but more importantly, preparing your heart. I’ve been reading this blog on Advent called “The…
Obedience Takes the Lid Off
Rarely do I post personal things anywhere on social media. I might post a thought, opinion, feeling, etc; but rarely do I post something about myself. But today is different. I am seeing God’s faithfulness explode in my life, and I have to share it with you. For years, I have listened to my Pastor…
Back in the game
Well, it’s been a few weeks. My how life can overwhelm you when you are having fun! I thought I would start off your week with some thoughts I had over the weekend. Worship. You come to lift up Jesus, to make much of Him. But sometimes, I think we let our minds and things…
A Change of Pace
Well, today, I think I am going to break habit just a bit. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been posting new music for you to enjoy. Today, I’m just going to post my thoughts. Ok, you might still get some music out of this, but thoughts first. 🙂 I will keep this short and…
A Change of Pace
Well, today, I think I am going to break habit just a bit. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been posting new music for you to enjoy. Today, I’m just going to post my thoughts. Ok, you might still get some music out of this, but thoughts first. 🙂 I will keep this short and…
Worship from my piano.
Here is one that I mentioned a few posts ago.. One of those that I wouldn’t necessarily consider “Congregational”. This one came out of my quiet time a while back.. I wrote it in a time of my life where I was trying to find out just what I was supposed to do with my…