Hiding the Word in Little Hearts – St. Patrick’s Day BONUS
Every once and a while, Michael and I re-evaluate things that we feel that we could do better. Pretty basic, right? Budgeting, time management, marriage…But sometimes, we look at how we are doing with teaching the girls about our faith…which is a pretty big deal when you think about it. We have been given clean,…
The Psychiatric Implications of Online Church
The Rules: I have written rules for a post once before. It’s the one’s that make me nervous to post. But, here it goes. This is long. If you’re going to read it, take the time to read it. I won’t be offended if you don’t. I won’t even know if you don’t. Do not…
The Issue of Age in Modern Worship | Adventures in Faith & Art
I am working on writing a worship philosophy series called “The Performance-Minded Worshiper” later this month and into next month. But I stumbled upon this article, and it is a perfect prelude to a broad, yet deep look into something that has been quietly sneaking into our Western Church ecclesiology for years: The Performance mentality.…
The Beautiful Simplicity of Faith. Advent Week 4
This post will be a little shorter this week, as I spent a lot longer making the music this go round. But, in every season of preparation we have several ingredients. – change – learning – growth – stretching – planning – However, the ingredient that is often overlooked is Faith. From the NLT, (Hebrews…
Break out the Shop Vac. Advent Week 3
I hope you’ve been enjoying these entries on Advent. We’re almost half way through the Advent season. As Christmas approaches, I really hope that your mind and heart are focused on preparation. Preparing your home for food, family, and fun; but more importantly, preparing your heart. I’ve been reading this blog on Advent called “The…
Because The Book Said So
We started a tradition last year that we think will become a part of our yearly family Christmastime. The night we are going to decorate the tree, we all get to open a present with our new Christmas pajamas. We start a fire in the fireplace, blast the carols, and sip hot chocolate a little…
God is Like an Industrial Blender
Sometimes when God stirs your heart, it’s like dropping a leaf on a still pond. It’s gentle. It’s soothing. It’s hopeful and exciting. But Sometimes…. Sometimes it’s more like an industrial blender is taken to the depths of your soul. It’s intense. It’s tiring. But it’s hopeful and exciting. Whichever way the Lord chooses to…
This is Not a Stage
I’ve been involved in church music for years. I am now married to a worship pastor/music director/sacred hymn and contemporary praise leader….whatever you want to call him. In this I have learned some things about people and about the heart of God…and while this is mainly related to the musical bunch initially, I think it…
My God Complex
Going on a medical mission really messes with one’s God complex. It’s wonderful when you are able to watch a kid chew a tablet that will immediately begin curing them of their parasite. You get the warm fuzzies and you feel that you are making a difference. But then there are cases that you see…
Jesus Doesn’t Understand – I’m a Woman!
When we were kids, my brother and I listened to this one Mark Lowry CD—over and over and over. And there was one song on it that we hammed up big time. “Mary, Did You Know?” It has become rather popular in the Christmas world of pageants and plays. I have seen it done well—and…