Lately the news has been flooded with reports of riots and the storming of embassies, particularly in the Middle East. Questions of whether to continue or withhold aid are taking the forefront of the talks. And whatever your political, religious, or personal stance is, we must remember something. Just because a select group committed a…
Lately the news has been flooded with reports of riots and the storming of embassies, particularly in the Middle East. Questions of whether to continue or withhold aid are taking the forefront of the talks. And whatever your political, religious, or personal stance is, we must remember something. Just because a select group committed a…
Standing at Attention
I’ve never been in the military. The only time I ever really stood at attention was for marching band. I was in color guard, so I guess I never stood at a real attention—3rd position is a little weak for that. I was a freshman. The rest of us were already on the concrete practice…
Healthcare Reform: The Document
Alright. So now that we have all gotten over our initial emotions (hopefully) of the approval of “Obamacare” or whatever you prefer to call it, I have seen many people griping about other people making opinions without knowing what they are talking about. It is certainly one of my pet peeves. So I invite you…
The Personhood Act- The Finale (for now)
This Personhood Act string of entries kind of came out of nowhere. I appreciate you reading and commenting and, most of all, thinking. Update: The Personhood Act of Oklahoma with all of the amendments is dead in the House and Senate as of today. The initiate to add the question to the ballot regarding the…
The Personhood Act- The Opinion
The Rules 1. Either read ALL of it, or stop now. (This will be long and involved. Consider yourself warned.) 2. If you haven’t read The Personhood Act yet, do that first. The Background I’ve been avoiding writing about this for a couple of months now. I don’t like getting involved in politics. That’s why…
The Personhood Act- Just the Facts, Ma’am
If you want to know my qualifications for making any comments about such a topic, see “About Me”. The Personhood Act (Senate Bill 1433) appears to be pretty much “dead in the water” when it comes to the Oklahoma House and Senate, at this moment. So, why all the hubbub, Bub? There is a lot of…
Some People
It’s the first day back from Spring Break. Ugh. And this is how I feel about it… Which then just makes me gripe about stuff… Some politicians are phony—(ok, maybe all of them, but that doesn’t fit the scheme). Some doctors are arrogant– they shouldn’t have such God-complexes. Some waiters are rude. Some moms are…