Tag: parenting

  • One Year Ago…

    One year ago, at about this time actually, I was on hands and knees with my first real contractions, yelling at my frantic husband who was running around in his rather comical boxers asking me what to do. “Before you do anything I need for you to put on some clothes so I can take…

  • Let’s start with Bill. (From the Archives)

    Well, Finals start Tuesday. For those of you who are new to the blog, sorry that I’m about to drop off the face of the planet!!! I felt like this post would be appropriate considering the freak out that is happening in my mind right now….and now….and now….but this too shall pass. Enjoy!   First,…

  • The Personhood Act- The Finale (for now)

    This Personhood Act string of entries kind of came out of nowhere. I appreciate you reading and commenting and, most of all, thinking. Update: The Personhood Act of Oklahoma with all of the amendments is dead in the House and Senate as of today. The initiate to add the question to the ballot regarding the…

  • The Personhood Act- The Opinion

    The Rules 1. Either read ALL of it, or stop now. (This will be long and involved. Consider yourself warned.) 2. If you haven’t read The Personhood Act yet, do that first.  The Background I’ve been avoiding writing about this for a couple of months now. I don’t like getting involved in politics. That’s why…

  • The Personhood Act- Just the Facts, Ma’am

    If you want to know my qualifications for making any comments about such a topic, see “About Me”. The Personhood Act (Senate Bill 1433) appears to be pretty much “dead in the water” when it comes to the Oklahoma House and Senate, at this moment. So, why all the hubbub, Bub? There is a lot of…

  • The Personhood Act- What are Your Thoughts?

    I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this lately. I haven’t quite decided whether to tackle it or not…I also have no idea HOW I would quite put it out there either… So first, I’m going to see if it’s even worth writing about (because I would put some time and effort into this…)…

  • Slow Man FAIL

    This was what we saw across the street when we got home from church yesterday. A truck was driving too fast around the curve and hit a parked car…and took out our poor neighbor’s brick mail box. No one was hurt, so it’s ok to laugh. Slow man FAIL.

  • 25


    Well, today I turn 25. I know I’m still young, no worries. (This isn’t going to be a sad gripe-fest. Really.) But I also know that I’m no longer in my early 20’s And my baby turns 1 in a few weeks. I suppose I am officially, undeniably an adult. I remember being in various…

  • Letting Go

    When you first decide to have a baby (or even if it was a surprise), I think we all have this lovely idea of trips to the zoo, cuddling on the couch, and still being able to get all of our normal chores done (which we couldn’t even find the time or motivation to get…

  • Singin’ in the Rain

    Oh, it’s been one of those weeks. Baby girl is doing better, though still not enough to warrant normal life. It’s been difficult to study, and even more difficult to take her to the doctor. I have a very high respect for those parents who have to do that with their children often, for whatever…