Personhood Amendment Declined by OK Supreme Court
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has turned down the Personhood Amendment. While efforts are still expected to be made to further the initiative, this is the most recent news. If you aren’t up-to-date on this proposed legislation in Oklahoma and other states, here is some information to check out. The Personhood…
Calling All Runners!
Or Bikers (bicyclists?….bicyclers?). Or Walkers! (Now that I can handle.) If you haven’t heard of the app “Charity Miles” yet, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to help others while helping yourself. The information was handed to us after volunteering at our local food bank. And while I’m not exactly the “running type”,…
Med Students Flooding the Food Bank!
As a part of First Year Orientation at OSU’s Med School, one afternoon is spent in what most people would call “community service”. Last year at this time, I was outside cutting brush…This year we decided to keep it all indoors! The group I got to “lead” was phenomenal. The thing about getting a group…
Country Livin’
There are some things that living in smaller towns provides that living in cities simply can’t. Tractor rides…. The unashamedness of wearing hats… Feeding animals… Homemade Ice Cream… And the kindness of strangers… In the convenience store in the nearest town… Who sold us the vanilla from what they had in their kitchen…. For 27…
1st Birthday Party
This last weekend, we visited the family in Altus, OK, to celebrate Baby Girl’s 1st birthday. I learned a very important lesson very early. I actually don’t know that it was a lesson as much as it was just a way of life. No one sat down and told me “this is the way it…
The Personhood Act- The Finale (for now)
This Personhood Act string of entries kind of came out of nowhere. I appreciate you reading and commenting and, most of all, thinking. Update: The Personhood Act of Oklahoma with all of the amendments is dead in the House and Senate as of today. The initiate to add the question to the ballot regarding the…
The Personhood Act- The Opinion
The Rules 1. Either read ALL of it, or stop now. (This will be long and involved. Consider yourself warned.) 2. If you haven’t read The Personhood Act yet, do that first. The Background I’ve been avoiding writing about this for a couple of months now. I don’t like getting involved in politics. That’s why…
The Personhood Act- Just the Facts, Ma’am
If you want to know my qualifications for making any comments about such a topic, see “About Me”. The Personhood Act (Senate Bill 1433) appears to be pretty much “dead in the water” when it comes to the Oklahoma House and Senate, at this moment. So, why all the hubbub, Bub? There is a lot of…
The Personhood Act- What are Your Thoughts?
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this lately. I haven’t quite decided whether to tackle it or not…I also have no idea HOW I would quite put it out there either… So first, I’m going to see if it’s even worth writing about (because I would put some time and effort into this…)…
Today we visited Abby’s great-great-grandmother Faye in truly rural Hollis, Oklahoma. (Seriously. This place is so rural, a Sonic can’t even survive there.) However, this is one of my favorite places to be—all five generations in the same room—just being together. No expectations. No obligations. Just enjoying each others’ company. (Even if I did miss…