The Personhood Act- The Finale (for now)
This Personhood Act string of entries kind of came out of nowhere. I appreciate you reading and commenting and, most of all, thinking. Update: The Personhood Act of Oklahoma with all of the amendments is dead in the House and Senate as of today. The initiate to add the question to the ballot regarding the…
The Personhood Act- The Opinion
The Rules 1. Either read ALL of it, or stop now. (This will be long and involved. Consider yourself warned.) 2. If you haven’t read The Personhood Act yet, do that first. The Background I’ve been avoiding writing about this for a couple of months now. I don’t like getting involved in politics. That’s why…
Well, today I turn 25. I know I’m still young, no worries. (This isn’t going to be a sad gripe-fest. Really.) But I also know that I’m no longer in my early 20’s And my baby turns 1 in a few weeks. I suppose I am officially, undeniably an adult. I remember being in various…
Combating Misinformation About Vaccines
This is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a while, but this writer has done an excellent job. I’m in my first year of medical school and have seen too much factual data to not get fired up about this topic. Please read. You may hate me, but it’s the truth. Consider it…
We All Have a Cause…
This post does have rules. (It’s my blog. I can do what I want.) 1. If you break it you buy it. If you read it, you interact with it. 2. If you don’t plan to participate, do not continue reading, do no pass go, do not collect $200. We all have a cause. We…
Baby Steps, Bob!
When change happens TO me- it seems to happen suddenly. Last January there was one business week that went something like this. 1. Michael’s interview at The Church. 2. We found out that we were having an “Abigail”. 3. I had my medical school interview. 4. We closed on our first house. Talk about change.…
Bounding Into Health
Death sucks. I’ve had people that were too close to me pass too early. And even when those who had lived a full life pass (like my Mama Kay who lived to be in her 100’s), it is still no fun. Disease sucks. I worked with breast cancer patients for two years…saw the good and…
If you’re one of those “go with the flow”, “glass is half-full”, “I’ll get it done tomorrow” kind of people, you may not understand this. Opposite people (like me) will understand this completely. I hate not being productive. Yes, I do my fair share of slacking off and socializing…now. Believe it or not, that was…
13 Simple Ways to Get through a Rough Day
Today I have a neuro test. At 12:30. After class ends at 11:50. Sometimes serious thought just isn’t what the doctor ordered for the day. After all, a joyful heart is the best medicine! And this made me laugh. ENJOY! 13 Simple Ways to Get through a Rough Day
My New Bucket List
I think I’ll quit medical school and do the following instead. Totally Kidding, of course…most days 😉