The Problem with Christian Universities
I knew how many rules I was subjecting myself to when I decided to attend ORU. Curfews, no drinking, and for a while, nothing less than slacks in class. I loved it. I was 18 and ready to conquer the world. Every chapel was a face-to-face meeting with God surrounded by hundreds of others pointed…
Calling All Runners!
Or Bikers (bicyclists?….bicyclers?). Or Walkers! (Now that I can handle.) If you haven’t heard of the app “Charity Miles” yet, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to help others while helping yourself. The information was handed to us after volunteering at our local food bank. And while I’m not exactly the “running type”,…
Med Students Flooding the Food Bank!
As a part of First Year Orientation at OSU’s Med School, one afternoon is spent in what most people would call “community service”. Last year at this time, I was outside cutting brush…This year we decided to keep it all indoors! The group I got to “lead” was phenomenal. The thing about getting a group…
10 Practical Tips for Your First Year of Medical School
Take EVERYONE’s advice with a grain of salt. – Your mom means well, your friends mean well, your mentors mean well, even I mean well. But even the people who have been there before you are—well—different people. They have different priorities, responsibilities, goals, and bents. So seek advice, but then craft a plan that is…
A True Friend
Preface: No. This is not a cliche post about how Jesus is your only “true friend”. It might be a little mushy, but it’s not that…. Like I mentioned before in the entry about her shower, the best friend just got married. The wedding was beautiful. Hilarious. Wonderful. Successful. And my daughter was an absolute…
A Desire to Help
When did we lose the desire to help? It seems so natural to my one year old. Give her a rag and she will wipe everything down for you. Say “Can you put that in the trash?” and, after a few detours, we put it in the trash and clap about it. She loves helping…
The Door Behind You
We all go through transitions… New life being born and sudden deaths. Moving somewhere you never imagined setting foot or Making a home somewhere you only thought would be a pit stop. Starting school. Quitting a job. Rising to the top or falling in a pit. Getting married or cutting a relationship once thought to…
Doing It Myself: Words of Love
Michael and I are having our 3rd summer marriage/wedding anniversary celebration. Apparently, people who have blazed the marriage trail before us were right. Year 3 can be a bit of a hill. They say year 7 comes with some “transitioning”, too. So, we have taken some great advice, and are (again) reading “The 5 Love…
“I’m in the ER…With My Ferret”
We were watching the verdict of a rather high profile case with my grandparents the other night. My very wise grandfather went on a rant. (I come by it honest…) “It’s like I always said, if you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said. And if you do what’s right,…
Let’s Get Started
Other things that I do with my summer time involves being on the worship team at our church. My husband started a blog recently (which you should check out anyway), and he included this video in his last post. You might be able to spot me if you’re lucky. Either way, it’s a fantastic song!…