Breastfeeding for the Working Mom: Final Thoughts
A Reminder for All You WONDERFUL Mommas 28. Surround yourself with support. You have probably already heard this and will hear it again BECAUSE IT’S TRUE. LaLeche groups are everywhere. And now, there are Facebook groups, too, in case your schedule does not permit making a trip across town on a regular basis. If you…
Breastfeeding for the Working Mom: Back to Work
You’ve decided to breastfeed. Check. You’ve brought baby home. Check. But now maternity leave is coming to a close. Some people will cry for the first week. Others will have a celebration on the way out the door. Whatever your situation, here are some things to help you make the transition while still producing milk…
Breastfeeding for the Working Mom: Baby is Here!
Yay!!! You’ve nested, labored and delivered, and now you have finally met this little person that will absolutely flip your whole world upside down. It’s the greatest feeling in the world and the scariest, too, the first time around. But don’t be scared of your newest love. Take a deep breath. Here are some things…
Breastfeeding for the Working Mom: The Nesting Phase
You’re pregnant! You’ve decided to breast feed. Congratulations- on BOTH counts!!! These are some things that you can actually do/purchase/prepare when you’re in this lovely energetic phase! (Please read the first post in this series before reading any further. By reading the suggestions in the following posts you are agreeing that you understand that this…
Breastfeeding for the Working Mom: My Story
Michael has been hounding me for a while to make a blog post. Haha, I don’t know that this is what he had in mind, but he seems to think it’s pretty well done. Apparently it was Breastfeeding Week…which is the perfect time to begin this post that I’ve been working on for a while.…