Welcome Ruth Christine
You have followed our journey from the big surprise to the big reveal, and now… It is the big day!! We are so grateful for all your thoughts, prayers, encouraging messages, gifts given, and all the love you’ve heaped on us as we prepared to welcome baby Ruthie. So here are several of our favorite…
Gender Reveal?! Our Lips are Sealed…
We have had so much fun just in announcing the pregnancy and in finally answering the “What are you having?” question! We are so excited to welcome another baby girl to our family in February!!! [Excuse me while I go help Michael pick out a few shotguns…] As is probably suspected, I can’t take all…
How to Tell Your Husband That You’re Pregnant (Oh, And I Passed Boards)
Step 1: Make sure (with as many sticks as you need) that you are truly “with child”. Step 2: Enlist the help of a couple of good secret keepers…that happen to be available on a day during the week (SO glad we know such awesome people)! One who can take pictures, like lovely Whitney. And…
First Family Vacation: Day 1
Boards are over. The munchkin is 2 years old. And we need a vacation before rotations. So here we are!!! (Wish us luck!) For me, one of the most important parts of vacationing is finding good food…and not just from the places everyone else goes. No. Discovery and Adventure is the name of the game.…
Mother’s Day 2013 and a Documentary About Lions
It is my 3rd Mother’s Day as a “Mommy Lion”. I must say, I only thought I was fierce until my Baby Lion entered the picture. As a tribute, we did a documentary a few days ago on the subtle differences of communication between Daddy Lions and Baby Lions. Hope you all enjoy. HAPPY MOTHER’S…
Jesus Doesn’t Understand – I’m a Woman!
When we were kids, my brother and I listened to this one Mark Lowry CD—over and over and over. And there was one song on it that we hammed up big time. “Mary, Did You Know?” It has become rather popular in the Christmas world of pageants and plays. I have seen it done well—and…
1st Birthday Party
This last weekend, we visited the family in Altus, OK, to celebrate Baby Girl’s 1st birthday. I learned a very important lesson very early. I actually don’t know that it was a lesson as much as it was just a way of life. No one sat down and told me “this is the way it…
23 and 1/2 hours
In Bounding Into Health I talked about how important it is that we take care of ourselves. So practically, what does that look like? Being in medical school, I like evidence. Good evidence. I also like to prevent disease as much as possible. So when asked what is the number 1 thing that can not…
One Year Ago…
One year ago, at about this time actually, I was on hands and knees with my first real contractions, yelling at my frantic husband who was running around in his rather comical boxers asking me what to do. “Before you do anything I need for you to put on some clothes so I can take…
The Personhood Act- The Finale (for now)
This Personhood Act string of entries kind of came out of nowhere. I appreciate you reading and commenting and, most of all, thinking. Update: The Personhood Act of Oklahoma with all of the amendments is dead in the House and Senate as of today. The initiate to add the question to the ballot regarding the…