Nicaragua: The Clinic
So I’ve been back from Nicaragua for almost a month. I’m still not sure that I’ve actually processed it all, but I realized that I still have more pictures to put out there! We were located mainly in an area called “Chacraseca”. Here, there was a main clinic where one team would stay each day.…
How to Save a Life
This is a slide taken from the lecture I may or may not be sitting in currently… Tremendous health benefits are seen with even low levels of exercise. Amount of exercise needed to benefit health is much lower than amount needed for fitness. Regular physical activity at the correct intensity: Reduces the risk of heart…
My God Complex
Going on a medical mission really messes with one’s God complex. It’s wonderful when you are able to watch a kid chew a tablet that will immediately begin curing them of their parasite. You get the warm fuzzies and you feel that you are making a difference. But then there are cases that you see…
So, You Love a Student Doctor…
You are the few. The chosen. Perhaps the disillusioned. But without you, we couldn’t make it. Medicine is a tough road to travel and not just for the student. Sometimes (ok, often times…) it’s the family and friends that get the brunt of it. At the beginning of the school year, I posted 10 Practical…
Personhood Amendment Declined by OK Supreme Court
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has turned down the Personhood Amendment. While efforts are still expected to be made to further the initiative, this is the most recent news. If you aren’t up-to-date on this proposed legislation in Oklahoma and other states, here is some information to check out. The Personhood…
“I’m Sorry” Does Not Cure Cancer
Very well written. Full of good thoughts from a genuinely good heart. Check it out, especially for those of us on this healthcare journey…
An Adventure in Nicaragua
At a very young age (like age 5), I decided that I wanted to travel and help people. I was going to be a veterinarian in Africa. As we can see, that is not exactly how life played out. We don’t even own a dog. When I was about 13, I worked in a vet’s…
Med Students Flooding the Food Bank!
As a part of First Year Orientation at OSU’s Med School, one afternoon is spent in what most people would call “community service”. Last year at this time, I was outside cutting brush…This year we decided to keep it all indoors! The group I got to “lead” was phenomenal. The thing about getting a group…
10 Practical Tips for Your First Year of Medical School
Take EVERYONE’s advice with a grain of salt. – Your mom means well, your friends mean well, your mentors mean well, even I mean well. But even the people who have been there before you are—well—different people. They have different priorities, responsibilities, goals, and bents. So seek advice, but then craft a plan that is…
Healthcare Reform: The Document
Alright. So now that we have all gotten over our initial emotions (hopefully) of the approval of “Obamacare” or whatever you prefer to call it, I have seen many people griping about other people making opinions without knowing what they are talking about. It is certainly one of my pet peeves. So I invite you…