A True Friend
Preface: No. This is not a cliche post about how Jesus is your only “true friend”. It might be a little mushy, but it’s not that…. Like I mentioned before in the entry about her shower, the best friend just got married. The wedding was beautiful. Hilarious. Wonderful. Successful. And my daughter was an absolute…
A Desire to Help
When did we lose the desire to help? It seems so natural to my one year old. Give her a rag and she will wipe everything down for you. Say “Can you put that in the trash?” and, after a few detours, we put it in the trash and clap about it. She loves helping…
Doing It Myself: Words of Love
Michael and I are having our 3rd summer marriage/wedding anniversary celebration. Apparently, people who have blazed the marriage trail before us were right. Year 3 can be a bit of a hill. They say year 7 comes with some “transitioning”, too. So, we have taken some great advice, and are (again) reading “The 5 Love…
Let’s Get Started
Other things that I do with my summer time involves being on the worship team at our church. My husband started a blog recently (which you should check out anyway), and he included this video in his last post. You might be able to spot me if you’re lucky. Either way, it’s a fantastic song!…
Country Livin’
There are some things that living in smaller towns provides that living in cities simply can’t. Tractor rides…. The unashamedness of wearing hats… Feeding animals… Homemade Ice Cream… And the kindness of strangers… In the convenience store in the nearest town… Who sold us the vanilla from what they had in their kitchen…. For 27…
Thank You From The Parents
Mom and dad were absolutely blown away by the response for their upcoming anniversary surprise– and for those that are still coming in! They wanted to give a shout out before they started all the individual “Thank-you’s”. So- here they are! We’d like to say a huge thank you to all who participated in our…
1st Birthday Party
This last weekend, we visited the family in Altus, OK, to celebrate Baby Girl’s 1st birthday. I learned a very important lesson very early. I actually don’t know that it was a lesson as much as it was just a way of life. No one sat down and told me “this is the way it…
Anniversary Surprise
My parents will have been married for 30 years in December. 30 years. Successfully. They didn’t have much when they got married. When I was born (I’m the oldest), they both had college degrees, but my dad dug ditches and worked at Pizza Hut since that’s all he could find to make a living. We…
Lessons from the Zoo
…because I think about everything… Ha! We went to the zoo for Mother’s Day, mainly because Little Bit has been rather obsessed with monkeys lately. “Oh-Ah-Ah-Oh” is the sound she makes when she sees one or if you talk about them. It’s fantastic. She didn’t nap AT ALL (in fact, this is as much rest…
Mother’s Day 2012
I know I’ve already posted this picture…but I feel like it’s the most appropriate representation of what this day is all about. I am so very thankful for the examples that I have in my life of how to be a good wife and mother. My grandmother (far left) has been married to my grandfather…