Well, it’s been one whole month since the release of my first album.
And what a great month it’s been! Thank you to everyone who has supported our ministry efforts by purchasing an album or by sharing the links around your Facebook and Twitter pages. The word is definitely traveling around about what God is having me do with the music He put in my heart. So keep that up!!
I believe this is just the first of a series of new things in music that The Lord has me working on. Believe it or not, I just can’t stay out of the studio! I just finished co-producing victory bible college’s first school of worship album with a great new friend of mine: the legendary Matt Vandevander( and I’m not joking about the legend part. His music has been featured all over the world- Including the Olympics. ). All original songs in original styles with one purpose: to declare God’s greatness!
And, I am already starting to write and dream what my next project will look and sound like. Really. I can’t stay away from all this creating.
So thank you to everyone who has kept up with what we’ve been up to. Stay tuned. You won’t be disappointed.
Oh, and I’m cooking up a little something special for a one-month-in celebration. Check back Monday!
But while you’re here, go ahead and check out my latest videos, purchase your copy of the album, or download yours from iTunes.
Thanks again!!