The Advent Collection 2013

Well now that the festivities are winding down for the Christmas season this year,I thought I would post a quick link to all the music and thoughts I’ve shared with you all over the last month.


Week 1. The Tenses of Waiting.
“He has come, He is here, He is coming again soon.”

Screen Shot 2013-12-26 at 7.13.03 PMWeek 2. A Very Present Hope.
He is your hope. Right now. So if you need some hope, why don’t you go talk to Him?”


Week 3. Break out the Shop Vac.
” Will you wait until the last second to take care of your junk?”


(see? I did clean out the junk…)

advent-wreath1Week 4. The Beautiful Simplicity of Faith.
“Faith is confidence that what we hope will actually happen”

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