The Beautiful Simplicity of Faith. Advent Week 4

This post will be a little shorter this week, as I spent a lot longer making the music this go round.

But, in every season of preparation we have several ingredients.

– change – learning – growth – stretching – planning –

However, the ingredient that is often overlooked is Faith.

From the NLT, (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is confidence that what we hope will actually happen; it gives us assurance of things we cannot see.

In any season when you don’t know what’s coming next, have faith that He is there on the other side of your season of Change. Not only is He waiting on the other side, but He is there with you now.. Keep you heart tuned to Him. Be faithful in your worship and adoration of Him. Hence this week’s song.

What can you do to have faith in who He is? What can you do to be faithful in your worship of Him?