This year, I spent two days lamenting that I was turning 27…until I realized that I am indeed only now 26.

My mom has informed that it will most likely not be the last time this happens. Hooray!

Last year on my birthday, I did a lot of looking back—mainly at the good—and took an inventory—one that I was pretty impressed with at the quarter-century milestone.

This year…

Well I found my “Senior Memory Book” from my high school English class and began the looking back again. There was one entry about what my plans were for the future.

And all I could do was laugh.

Undergrad at ORU, Majoring Pre-Med. Check.
Study Arabic abroad. Check.
Possibly get married. Check.
Medical School. Check.

In this looking back, I just became overwhelmed.

Birthday Crown

I don’t know many people who can say that they are doing what they thought they would be in high school.

By the grace of God, I am doing it all and more.

I also laugh because I can see how much my priorities have changed.

I was once so concerned about a checklist of things to do—I am now so so SO grateful for the people I have met along the way.

This birthday has really brought it into perspective.

My husband went absolutely overboard with an Ascend spa day (highly recommended!), chocolate fondue, an overnight trip to OKC, and some resveratrol to boot.
(The sign that this man really gets me though? He bought me a planner. But seriously. That is love in medical school.)

My “daughter” picked out a card with a crown for me to wear.
(Though I’m still not sure it was the 2-year-old’s idea…)

Mom made my fancy 3-layer Strawberry-goodness cake.

My “normal Monday” was filled with birthday donuts and chai, Snickers bars and gift cards, lunch with friends, text messages, “Happy Birthday’s” in the hall, and love from around the globe.

26th Birthday

I think looking back and taking an assessment is important every once and while.

But on this birthday, I simply feel so astoundingly blessed by all of the amazing people in my life.

Kindness goes a long way, and days like this are such a simple reminder of how I should be interacting with the people in my life…every single day.

I don’t think I deserve all the wonderful friends and family that I have.
But I sure couldn’t do it all without you.

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