Let’s Get Started

You will find a few different kinds of things here.

There will be tracks that I have created as accompaniment for commercials, Sermon intros, or promo videos. If you are a film producer and you think these would work great in a project you’re working on, you can get them here.

You will definitely see songs that have come out of my worship time. Some you may know, some may be completely new.

Songs for quiet time, or songs for the church.

Over the years I have decided that not every song ever written as worship is intended for the stage. And that is OK.

Maybe these will impact you. Maybe you can use them. Maybe they will make you smile.

That’s what they’re there for. Enjoy.

I’ll start with this one. I’ve been posting it around everywhere today. It’s the first demo for a worship project we’re doing at my church.

I Have Decided.

©2007 Michael Letney. revised 2012 by tC Music Ministry.

One response to “Let’s Get Started”

  1. Reblogged this on Cake for Your Thoughts and commented:
    Other things that I do with my summer time involves being on the worship team at our church. My husband started a blog recently (which you should check out anyway), and he included this video in his last post. You might be able to spot me if you’re lucky. Either way, it’s a fantastic song! Grab a coffee and have a listen!!!